Full Name: Zachariah Kaleb Brown
Nickname: DJ Brownie
Birthplace: Noblesville, IN
Birthday: August 8, 1983
- Movies: Hands down, Star Wars.
I also like the Matrix, X-Men, Star Trek II, IV, VI, VIII, and
IX, Strange Brew, Planet of the Apes (All of them), The Rock,
MIB, and Independence Day.
- Authors: George Lucas, Timothy
Zahn, Michael Crichton, and Kevin J. Anderson.
- Bands: Five-Iron Frenzy, MxPx,
Supertones, The Insyderz, SideWalk Slam, New Found Glory, Weezer,
Slick Shoes, Dogwood, Ace Troubleshooter, and Big Bad Voodoo Daddy.
- Super Hero: Spider-Man, Night
Crawler, Ice-Man, Powder Puff Girls, The Tick.
- Cartoon: Spider-Man, X-men, Sponge
Bob, and Power Puff Girls
- Video Game: There are too many
of these. Golden Eye, Perfect Dark, Star Wars: Rough Squadron,
Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles, Tony Hawk 2, Metriod 3, Zelda I
and II, Mario Brothers 3, Mario Kart, Half-Life, NCAA 2K2, Marvel
vs. Capcom 2, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2, Time Crisis, Resident
Evil 2.
- Subject in School: Band, Math
- Thing to do at shows: Be Goofy
How long have you been playing your instrument:
6.34 years
Church: Church of God of Prophecy Noblesville