Full Name: James Clayton Wood
Nickname: Bubba
Birth Place: Not Sure
Birthday: May 2, 1983
- Movies: Three Musketeers, Conspiracy
Theory, Cool Runnings
- Authors: Frank Peretti, Tom Clancy,
Dave Berry
- Bands: Five Iron Frenzy, Steppen
Wolf, The Monkeeys, The Beatles, and of course....Optional Necessity
- Super Hero: Stupendous Man(from
Calvin and Hobbes)
- Cartoon: Shrek
- Video Game: USAF
- Subject in School: Genetics
- Thing to do at shows: Have fun,
be crazy, and drop my drumsticks in the middle of songs.
How long have you been playing your instrument:
Five and a half years.
Church: River Oaks Community Church
Misc: If I had 5 apples in one hand,
and 8 in the other, what would I have? Really big hands.