Full Name: Rory Paul Buszka
Nickname: The Roadie
Birthday: May 31, 1985
- Movies: Star Wars Trilogy, Star
Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, Strange Brew, Final Fantasy:
The Spirits Within
- Bands: Five Iron Frenzy(duh),
MxPx, New Found Glory, The Insyderz
- Video Game: Final Fantasy VII,
Super Mario Bros., various other Nintendo and PS1 games
How long have you been playing your instrument:
Baritone: 6.09 years, Trombone: 1.2 years, Trumpet: 7.75 weeks
Misc: Anyway, as I was saying, there's
a funny story about the whole Great White North shtick on SCTV.
Second City Television was like our Saturday Night Live here in
the States, only they also showed it in Canada. Around this time,
the Canadian Cultural Identity Commission, or CCIC, was formed.
The CCIC required every television broadcast to have at least 10%
Canadian cultural content. The staff at SCTV came up with a very
creative way of meeting this requirement: They chose Rick Moranis
and Dave Thomas to play the McKenzie Brothers, a couple of what
the Canadians call "hosers", people who drink and smoke
and wear flannel and aren't too bright. So anyway, like, these two
people would sit down and talk about Canadian stuff. But something
happened that SCTV did not expect. The SCTV ratings went up immediately,
because the Canadians loved this native Canadian comedy, so they
went on to produce The Great White North Album, with their own hit
single, "Take Off", featuring Geddy Lee from Rush. The
legend goes that Geddy Lee, the lead singer from the Canadian rock
group Rush, had no contract with Anthem Records to get royalties
from the sale of the album, so legend has it that he only got $10
for making the song. Then the McKenzie brothers went on to star
in the movie Strange Brew, where the McKenzie brothers, in an attempt
to get free beer, wind up caught in a scheme by the evil Brewmeister
Smith to take over the Elsinore brewery and take over the world
with drugged beer. It's a good movie, and I think you can still
rent it from most Blockbuster Video locations. I also believe that
NBC shows SCTV reruns at, like, 2 in the morning or something.