Full Name: Jonathan David Fackler
Nickname: The Fack
Birthplace: Orange County, CA
Birthday: December 25, 1983
- Movies: The Princess Bride, Star
Wars, Strange Brew, This is Spinal Tap, and The Matrix... also:
Tommy Boy, MiB, Independence Day, UHF, Star Trek II, IV, VI, and
all the ones with the TNG crew (especially First Contact), X-men,
Indiana Jones and the last Crusade, Short Circuit, Jurassic Park,
and anything starring Bill Murray
- Authors: Tom Clancy, C.S. Lewis,
Louis Carroll, Douglas Adams, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Michael Crichton
- Bands: Audio Adrenaline, Five-Iron
Frenzy, MxPx, and Haste the Day (I've known those guys for a loooong
time). Also: The Newsboys, PFR, Callibretto 13, No Doubt, Chicago,
War Rocket Ajax, Project 86, Flight 180, O.C. Supertones, The
Insyderz, Metallica, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, D.C. Talk, Buck
Enterprises, Take 6, and P.O.D.
- Super Hero: Spleen (from mystery
men) played by Paul Rubins
- Cartoon: The TICK and Animaniacs
- Video Game: Mario Bros. 3, the
Zeldas, Super Mario World, Mario 64, Super Metroid, Galaga, and
Perfect Dark
- Subject in School: Upper level
How long have you been playing your instrument:
Around Three years on bass and five on guitar.
Church: River Oaks Community Church
Misc: "When you have eaten the
pork of victory, you will realize that you are the most obtuse in
the world, for all great men (and women for that matter) are a direct
result of the ever present taco..."