Full Name: Colin Thomas Huckstep
Nickname: Colonic One
Birthplace: Indianapolis, IN
Birthday: April 30, 1983
- Movies: Strange Brew, The Big
Lebowski, The Godfather Trilogy, Monty Python and The Holy Grail,
All of the Indiana Jones Moveis, The Matrix, The Mummy/Mummy Returns,
Final Fantasy: The Spirts Within....many more.
- Authors: William Gibson(Great
Tech Sci-Fi), Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, K.W. Jeter, Steve Perry, Kevin
J. Anderson, Timothy Zahn, Douglas Adams
- Bands: Five Iron Frenzy, The Insyderz,
Buck Enterprises, The Ataris, Millencolin, The Seatbelts, MxPx,
P.O.D., The W's, War Rocket Ajax, A New Found Glory, if you want
to know them all Email me.
- Super Hero: Captain Linger(Watch
Adult Swim on Cartoon Network sometime)
- Cartoon: Sealab 2021
- Video Game: Still Grand Theft
Auto 3
- Subject in School: CGT 117
- Thing to do at shows: Break Strings
How long have you been playing your instrument:
I've been playing the Sax for seven years, French Horn for five
years, Guitar for six years, Trumpet for four months.
Church: Grace Community Church
Misc: Remember a normal person is just
someone you don't know real well.